Alphabetical Order Sorter

Alphabetical Order Sorter

The Random Order Sorter tool examines your list of items (words, characters, or numbers) and arranges them based on the selected sorting criteria. The tool also offers options like sorting the list by first name, last name, numbers, and other sorting filters.

Further, you can also check the 'descending order' checkbox to sort the items in descending order. For example if you have applied the length filter for sorting the lists/items, enabling this option will sort the list from higer to lower.

Explaining the Filters

Here, we provide an explanation of the filters available within this tool. Explore each filter to understand how it functions:

  • Sort By Letters : This filter arranges your list in alphabetical order based on each character in the words.

  • Sort By Numbers : This filter organizes your list in ascending order from lower to higher values. You can switch to descending mode by enabling the 'Sort Z->A' option.

  • Sort by First/Last Character : Use this filter to arrange your list based on the first or last character of each item.

  • Sort By Item Length : Employ this filter to arrange your list according to the number of characters in each word.

  • Sort By Character Contain : This filter allows you to sort your list based on the presence of a specific character within your words.
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