Fraction to Decimal
= y


Fraction to Decimal Converter

Fraction can be easily converted to decimal number. To calculate the decimal representation of a fraction, you can perform division. Here's a steps on how to do it :

  1. Write the fraction as a division problem.
  2. Divide the numerator by the denominator.
  3. If the division results in a terminating decimal (a decimal that ends after a certain number of digits), you can stop here. However, if the division results in a non-terminating repeating decimal (a decimal that has a repeating pattern), you may need to round or truncate the decimal to a specific number of decimal places based on the required precision.

Example - Decimal of 1/3

If we divide the numerator (1) by the denominator (3), the result is a repeated value of 3, i.e., 0.333333.... Now, to approximate the value, you can truncate the decimal to a specific number of decimal places (let's say we want 3 places of precision). So the decimal would be - 0.333 (rounded to three decimal places).

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